by Gregory Lebens-Higgins; A collaboration of Rochester Red Star and Boom Town Press Rochester Downtown Development Corporation’s (“RDDC”) Economic Growth Series: Vision~Future 2023 took place on December 5, 2023, featuring presentations from Mayor Malik Evans and County Executive Adam Bello alongside remarks from members of RDDC. “I want you to imagine,” begins Mayor Malik Evans
Ted Forsyth is a Rochester-based researcher, an Alfred University adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice, and co-author of The Case for an Independent Police Accountability System – a report that led to the creation of Rochester’s Police Accountability Board. Mallory Szymanski is an Alfred University cultural and gender historian of the 19th- and 20th- century United
On January 31st, 2024, the Monroe County Democratic Committee (MCDC) held its Candidate Designation Meeting for the 17th, 21st, 23rd, and 24th Legislative Districts at James Monroe High School in the Pearl-Meigs-Monroe neighborhood. Joe Morelle – the sole Congressional candidate on the ticket – intended to attend this event. Plans changed at the last minute.
My complicated relationship with the Buffalo Bills and Western NY Originally published in Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature — Vol. 35.2 Geoff Graser is a freelance writer based in Rochester, NY. His work can be found at
Longtime music journalist Saby Reyes-Kulkarni riffs on music / culture / sports and talks to a bunch of people. I’m speaking out after more than ten years of silence. Music critics — my peers — have played a role in fostering the hyper-polarized state we now find ourselves in. Those same critics, I argue, can
Longtime music journalist Saby Reyes-Kulkarni riffs on music / culture / sports and talks to a bunch of people. I’ve just posted a video about my first impressions of the new season of True Detective. In my view, the show’s premise couldn’t be more rife with potential: a suspense thriller set in a region in
This is just a snippet re-post from RED STAR – the blog of Rochester Democratic Socialists of America. Red Star Editor’s Note: The author (Travis Covitz) was recently featured in a piece from The Guardian, “Trans people are finding safe haven in an unexpected place: upstate New York.” Rochester (ROC) DSA stands proudly with our
Activist and Artist Mara Ahmed curates audio archive of Palestinian voices Former Rochesterian Mara Ahmed, now residing in Long Island, continues her filmmaking, art making and activism. Mara’s latest project launched this past December, an audio archive of Palestinian expression current and past. From the project’s website description: “In the midst of the gruesome genocide
Old Guard ready to make sure nothing will get done for the next four years Metro Justice thought they were on the cusp of a big win. The morning of December 12, they believed all members of the Democratic Caucus of the Monroe County Legislature pledged support to spend $1 million on a feasibility study
Jalil Muntaqim is a veteran Black Panther/Black Liberation Army member, co-founder of the National Jericho Movement, initiator and member of the Spirit of Mandela Coalition Coordination Committee and organizer of the Peoples’ Senate, author of “We Are Our Own Liberators” and “Escaping the Prism – Fade to Black.” Poverty Pimp: A pejorative term used in